Lists of happiness

Happiness is
a circle of friends, salty in post-frisbee garb, stabbing forks into a communal bowl of watermelon
lounging in a love-chair(? (“seat” is too strong of a word)), giggling with two of my bestest friends
sister time
which may include shopping for lingerie the day before my baby sister’s wedding
watching said baby sister, who does not want children, tear up as she first hears the heartbeat of our older sister’s belly-baby
or whispering in an awkward massage/dentist waiting room, only to discover our appointment has been stood up and, in fact, there isn’t a massage going on in the next room, therefore there was no need to whisper
watching baby sister get married, including reading poetic vows, and watching older sister cry at said vows

Happiness is
baseball games
hugging approximately 47 people I love all in one day
inside jokes
seeing synchronicity in action, and how well equipped my friends are to grab ahold of an amazing opportunity
and how a whole community of people rises up to help achieve a goal
and how art happens

Happiness is
talking too fast to my roommate because there’s just so much to say
a random phone call from my dad
completing tasks that get crossed off of three lists
cheddar cheese
finding out that older sister’s belly-baby is a girl, and I will soon have a niece

Happiness is me, bitches!

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