I carry a full heart.
I fall in love with people and places, traditions and stories. I have a loud, contagious [sometimes obnoxious] laugh, and I am moved to tears by both sad and beautiful things.
I love words, and even more than words I love story.
I knew I wanted to write in high school. I loved fiction. In college, I majored in journalism and became obsessed with truth; I couldn’t imagine creating fiction that is better than the real-life characters all around me. Already a deeply relational person, I wanted to know more about people. This soon developed into an understanding and a fascination with story. I came to understand that what connects me to a piece of writing, to a character — either fictional or not — is story. And everybody has a story …
But first, first you must own your own story.
Over the past few years, I have been staking claim to my life. I have been making it my own, accepting and loving who I am.
Part of this journey has meant that I’ve walked out on the old way of doing things. I’m making a new way. And I’m not alone. I have happily found a community of support, mentors and clients, interested in this new way.
So this is how I work: with trust and honesty — with vulnerability.
That’s the method. The meat is words. I am good with words.
I am very fortunate to be doing work that I love. And I’m a downright lucky dog to have been moving in this direction for so long without much premeditation.
I have written for and edited books, websites and blogs, newspapers, and magazines. And I’ve coached a few ordinary people to write what’s been on their hearts, reminding them over and over again: A writer is someone who writes.
I believe deeply in team. If I’m working with you, well, by golly, we’re on a team. I am for you. If that means I’m helping you get to what you really want to say, encouraging you to keep at your writing, developing content for you in your voice, or writing in a voice of my own, I want us to be wholeheartedly on the same page.
What is the story we’re going to communicate together?