Re: Christmas miracle
It’s a miracle the washer still runs. Hanging clothes to dry is much easier than finding an alternate way to wash them. It’s a miracle that our landlords are fixing all the problems with the building and the order to vacate has been rescinded, and we don’t have to move. It’s a miracle that I have found…
The second kitchen bulb went out, and so did I. I lost it. I cried over spilt carbon coil. And spilt rain drops all over my bedroom. And spilt uteral lining. And spilt electricity from the nonfunctional dryer into my elbow nerves. All the work I haven’t done and don’t know how to do. All…
Romantic notions of living in the city
“We lived in St. Louis when we were first married. Summers got so hot there, and we didn’t have air-conditioning. Some nights it was so hot, we’d throw our mattresses out onto a roof that jutted out below our window and sleep outside.” This was a story I heard from a middle-aged co-worker while I…
I remember / I want to remember
I remember My dad teaching us how to properly fold and subsequently “turn the pages” of toilet paper in order to get the maximum use out of every sheet — exasperated by our monthly TP budget. “I promise you won’t even get shit on your hands.” Sitting around Aunt Leila’s table, decorating Christmas cookies with…
status update
Did you notice?I focused on the good.Attention is the only currency that matters.I didn’t dwell on the pole run intoor the coffee spilled on pant and flooror the many things that nearly drove meback to the loving arms of my bed.I found insteada sister guiding me to the trackthat would lead me to completing tasks.I…
fall ebbing to winter
Halloween We went trick-or-treating without coats, but I was mad I didn’t wear a scarf and grateful for the 6-year-old’s gloves. Nov. 1The field lights miraculously turned on (not so much miraculously as because the right people — the people who would soon politely ask for their field — had asked they be lit). We…
a day to commemorate
We met on a staff meeting day. We’d both brought baked goods, trying to make a good impression and win the hearts of our brand-new co-workers. Even then, a slight competitive edge mixed in with the scents of brownies and breads, I knew we’d be friends.Hilary and I began internships at Word Made Flesh within…
I really like to tie together the laces of my cleats, which I wear for frisbee. I like this for two reasons: 1) It’s very convenient to throw them over my shoulder rather than having to hold two shoes in addition to all the other crap I take with me. 2) It seems very sporty…
for Suzanne
Suzanne is the kind of friend you don’t take for granted.I’ve never, since the moment I met her, had to wonder if she cared about me. And that’s how she is with every person she meets. If you know her, I am probably wasting my time trying to put this into words. You already know.A…
a gift recorded
Our friend Jason Coy gave us these incredible mugs. Hilary was happy about it.