One Sunday
The fort. The costumes. Well, 1/4 the costumes. Missing one [Transformers] Bumblebee mask and two capes. “These are called ‘baby kitties.’” Joy. Hammock. Party dress. Face-petting a kitty.
Set the world on fire
Pecha Kucha
I gave this talk at Pecha Kucha Omaha Volume 17 on December 6, 2012, on the theme of “Pilgrimage.”
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
It’s amazing what is triggered in different parts of your brain.Listening, smelling, writing, others’ stories …TappingTapping into something bigger and deeper.Waking up your whole brain.Maybe that’s why we’re writers.Because when we write, we’re ALIVE. Easter eggs and grandparents’ museum house with odd-tasting treats. Grandma Mowers blew out her eggs before we dyed them. Nothing ever…
11.21.12 I remember/I don’t remember
I remember… I remember … ah. I need to hold a pen and write this on tree pulp. Tap-tapping on a keyboard is so different. I can type my words, and I can even love doing that. But I have to know where I’m going. Pen and paper are for play. I like to explore…
Quick list of things I liked today
1. This baby 2. This clip from NPR’s “Fresh Air” of Terry Gross interviewing Maurice Sendak, illustrated by Christopher Niemann. (Thanks, Mel.) 3. My Christmas tree is gone. I was lazy, ok? I put it in the neighbor’s dumpster. It’s too late to take it to the tree lots (they stopped accepting Christmas tress on…
Just a pie
So. I bought apples. Granny Smiths. With Libby and Ben in Nebraska City. Wanted to make again the pie that I made one time to satisfy Mark’s craving. The pie he ate one piece of and then sent home with me. Wouldn’t even keep a piece for the next day. But I realized I didn’t…
Let’s thank our lucky stars
Gratitude challenge. I’m going to reflect on what I’m grateful for every day for the rest of the year. Won’t you join me? Just take a few minutes to write out a short (or long) list of things you’re grateful for right now. Do it every night before bed (or whenever you want). Why? Because.…
You can’t take love away
They always signed, “Love, x” — x being the factor asking you for a favor or correcting you or maybe, maybe encouraging you. It didn’t matter the content. The email always ended with “Love.” They tainted that word, at least as signature. One of us started signing “xoxo.” And now we all do. If I…
Counting my blessings
I combined two practices last night. It was late, and I was having trouble sleeping. Often when I’m struggling to fall asleep, I will count backwards from 100. I think my senior-year roommate, Mallory, told me to do this. It works pretty well. I usually don’t get to the 40s before dozing. Another practice I’ve…