I fumble with the lock, pulling the door as hard as I can until it finally clicks into place. I button my jacket this cool morning as I descend the porch’s side stairs. I don’t use the front stairs much anymore. I’m trying not to advertise wear I live to all manner of passersby. McDonald’s…
In the year that I didn’t post, I thought all the time about posting. I’d start drafts but never complete them. Part of the reason for this is that I started a new half-time job last September. I just didn’t quit all the freelance work I’d been doing. So, as usual, my writing came last.…
It’s not ok to ask
I know this rule. But I made a mistake. I ran into a girl I’d known a few years back. We’d gone to an all-girls small group together. In the years since I’d left, several of the girls had gotten married, some had had babies. I couldn’t really keep track, but I was pretty certain…
Strangest thing, death. Robin Williams died. Suicide. Disturbed, I looked up an article. He’d been suffering a deep depression lately, it said. I just started thinking about him. How my family loved Hook, took the VHS on vacation with us, wore through it and bought another one. Dad always giggled at the part where Peter…
So. There’s this guy who reviews retro video games and generally goofs around on film, face plastered with a Grumpy-Cat-esque expression (see above). Been doing it since 2004, I think. Before YouTube. Now huge on YouTube. Angry Video Game Nerd, also under cinemassacre.com, is really that: a nerd. But he’s so darn sincere. He loves…
Work: Oh, so it IS legal for you to talk about your wage with your coworkers
I just read this great article: “When the Boss Says, ‘Don’t Tell Your Coworkers How Much You Get Paid’.” Here’s a few lines: Under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA), all workers have the right to engage “concerted activity for mutual aid or protection” and “organize a union to negotiate with [their] employer…
Miller Light
December 30, 2013 My boyfriend pulled out a beer from the bag of booze his cousin had brought. We made our way back to the spot and a half on the couch, pulled a nephew into our laps. We huddled around a pile of presents and held our white elephant numbers. I looked at Cale’s…
It’s almost funny …
It’s almost funny how many drafts of posts I have. And yet, It has been a year since I’ve hit “Publish.” I apologize for my absence. Prepare for my return.
Wrongly accused
It’s stupid and it shouldn’t have mattered. But it did. In junior high, I was extremely prone to developing obsessions. From frogs to Hanson, I had my vices. One of the things I got really into was the Rosie O’Donnell show. I don’t know why. Rosie was (and I presume still is) warm and funny,…
A post-frisbee Thursday
Chris stood at the sink, washing, sweat dripping down her back. Jeremy dried. He handed the dishes to Laura, who handed them to me, and I put them away. Dan finished clearing the table and storing leftovers. Our hair grew in volume as the minutes passed. We had only played two games, as opposed to…