Peaceful holiday morning

I came downstairs Thursday morning around 10:30. Mom and Dad were discussing the turkey and what to do with it. Their 23-pound bird was done cooking in the roasting oven they always use two hours before it should have been, according to the annual turkey-cooking records they keep.

Dad, from his office that looks into the kitchen, was merrily reading aloud a verbose e-mail addressed to Butterball. He asked what some possible reasons might be for the shorter-than-expected cook time and what to do with the bird in the meantime. The message was polite and eloquent, and the parting line read, “I appreciate your prompt reply.”

He perused the website some more and discovered an 800 number for Thanksgiving crises such as the one at hand.

Elated, he dialed and held for a minute as his call was processed. He was chatty with the turkey expert.

Possible reasons for the shortened cook time (as the expert listed them, Dad repeated them for our benefit): Each bird cooks uniquely. The roasting oven may have evolved in its cooking. The meat may have been more thawed and, thus, at a warmer starting temperature.

What to do with the turkey in the meantime: Remove from the cooking bag, wrap it in foil and put it back in the oven at a lower temperature (meat temperature maintained at least 140, I think). Let it rest until almost mealtime, then carve.

It will be well rested, our turkey expert teased. “Might be asleep!” Dad agreed.

2 responses to “Peaceful holiday morning”

  1. oh, and the temperature danger zone is 41 degrees to 140 degrees, so anything hot needs to be at least 140, so you are right 😛

    guess bread co has taught me something after all!