
There are certain things you can predict.

-Being completely in love with love when two of your dearest ones wed.
-Meals prepared by Tim Wallace and/or Caldwell Manners will be to.die.for.
-Being tired after setting up and tearing down a beautiful reception.
-Sadness about dear friends leaving the city, state, country.
-Feeling productive when you hit your stride again after a few weeks of lag (though you weren’t sure you’d ever return to said stride).
-Stress after weeks of antiproductivity.
-That it feels good to feel understood.

There are some things you cannot predict.

-How at peace you’d feel about the farewell of dear ones, because you know deep in your gut that all is as it should be even if it isn’t as you’d expected or hoped.
-The morning after the day on which you almost posted this status: “Call me Stella. ‘Cause I got my groove back!” being struck down by an illness which causes you to sleep 17 hours that day (though you may have known you needed more sleep after a crazy week).
-The grace you’d feel from yourself and from others to take it slow as you recover.
-Remembering how much you like your friends (because you hadn’t really forgotten).
-How clearly simple solutions may come out of chaos.
-How much small gestures can mean, like purchasing of orange juice or tight squeezes at the right moment or new flip-flops because your friend knows your size or a trip to the taco truck or the phone call to see how the day turned out.
